About A Touch of Moxy
“Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.”
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Mox-ie: (1) energy, pep; (2) courage, determination, force of character; (3) know-how
See also Mox-y: (1) the quirky long-haired Chihuahua who stole Kecianne’s heart and inspired this site’s raison d’être (also: Mox, Moxy Pooh, The Pooper, Monsieur Poohpére, Little Toasted Marshmallow, Little One, Little Gentleman, Tiny Direwolf, Moment Killer, Grouchy McGroucherson, etc.)
A Touch of Moxy is a soft space for like-hearted individuals like you to find support, validation, and connection across the full spectrum of your more-than-human relationship, especially when grieving.
I know you’d rather not be here. This is the absolute, hands-down, worst part about having pets—the fact that you lose them. No one wants to think about it. Or talk about it. And definitely not live through it. It’s not fun, easy, or pleasant. But here we are.
For strength to carry on, you have access to a growing compendium of resources:
Comforting community via membership hosted on a private platform offering regular group calls + workshops, MoxTalks + Tea, healing prompts + discussions, and more
Supportive product offerings: Compassion Cards + Prints, TeddyGrams, and MoxBoxes®
Customized content featuring:
interviews with pet- and grief-related luminaries
tools + techniques for holistic healing
Curated newsletter sharing spiritual sustenance, upcoming events, special offers, and more
Engaged social media highlighting reflective + heartfelt conversation.
And if, among this collection, you’re not finding something that you need? Tell me. Let me know how I can help.
At heart, A Touch of Moxy is one giant love letter to my baby.
A way to give back to the world all the things he gave to me.
Everything I’ve learned is yours.
A Touch of Moxy was born from my own heartbreak and crushing grief after losing my first pet, soulmate, and love of my life, Moxy Pooh. I came to realize there’s a huge gap between how I feel about him and how the world around me both characterizes our relationship and responded when I lost him. Healing—true healing—didn’t happen until I let myself feel everything and learned to trust, validate, and share my experience with others, who then generously told me their own stories.
I don’t know how you found me, but I’m so glad you did.
At a certain point after Mox passed, you started approaching me on planes, at parks and retreats, in work meetings and check-out lines, where it would somehow come up in conversation that your cherished pet was sick, or getting up there in years, or had recently died. You told me how much you were struggling. How much you still missed them. How you didn’t have anyone you could talk to about it, who would really get it. You’d whisper, “I’m grieving more for my pet than I did for my dad,” and then look stunned to have said your truth out loud and not be judged. I hugged you; we cried together. Again and again this happened, though I didn’t initiate the topic.
You also revealed stories of staggering beauty—
animals who came into your life at just the right time; who’d been rescued from horrific circumstances and gone on to thrive; who had personalities and habits that felt made-to-order; who helped you heal from past traumas; who gave you daily purpose, and joy, and companionship, and were sometimes the only reason you managed to get out of bed.
I saw my relationship with Moxy reflected in you. You showed me there are more of us than I ever guessed.
What became so clear to me was that you need this. I need this.
We need to know we’re not alone. We need to believe we can survive the hardest parts. We need a space that reflects and respects how we feel, and that can hold all of it—the joy and the elation, the pain and the fear, the gratitude and the grief.
Your pet relationship is beautiful, deep, and irreplaceable. Unrepeatable. It is holy.
And because of this strong connection, when the time comes to say goodbye, the grief you experience can be devastating and debilitating. Life-altering.
Your path through grief, like your pet relationship, is utterly individual and unique. Nothing you’ll find on these pages is prescriptive because there’s no one right way to grieve, or to heal, or to love. You make it up as you go.
If, by visiting A Touch of Moxy, you feel a little less alone, a little less pain, a little more understanding, and a lot more seen and validated and connected, then we’re doing what we set out to do. Let us bear witness to your journey, show you some kindness during your most heartbreaking moments, and make your path a little easier along the way, if we can.
A Touch of Moxy is here for you. We’re in this together.
This thing that connects you and me? It’s love—love for our darling creatures. This love is a light that never goes out, that grows as it’s shared, and that endures every passing storm.
And through it, we light the way for each other.
“We’re all just walking each other home.”