A Touch of Moxy’s
Pet Love + Loss Community
Sometimes when you’re grieving your more-than-human soulmate, you want to know how other people do this. How do they survive this loss? Will it always feel this intense? How do they mark the hours and the days?
You want proof that other people made it through, found a way to endure this unimaginable pain, found a reason to keep going. What were the things that helped? What made things worse?
You want to know other people feel the same way about their beloved pets as you do. You want to know how to make peace with your decisions, how to let go of the guilt and the regrets and all the what-ifs. You want to know you’re not alone in the depths.
And sometimes, it’s your grief that needs to be witnessed. Your pain that needs to be understood. Your memories and stories and wisdom that need to be shared.
It’s a sacred reciprocity. In A Touch of Moxy’s community, we hold space for one another. We see ourselves in one another’s stories. It is through one another that we heal. You have gifts to bring; you have medicine to share. You, and the profound love you carry for your animal companion, are needed here.
“There is a genius that can only be found in our coming together, and it’s our combined abilities that elevate and strengthen us. True humility doesn’t mean making yourself smaller, but recognizing that we are all the same size: necessary.”
– Toko-pa Turner
In this space of like-hearted friends, there’s no toxic positivity, no sugar-coating, no unsolicited advice-giving, no manifesting, no self-improving—there’s just you. As you are. Right now. Full stop.
There’s beauty here—the real kind that comes from the heart. And safety—the true kind that allows you to show up looking like you just got out of bed (who knows—maybe you’re still in bed), and also ugly-cry, if you need to. Totally authentic, completely vulnerable, utterly brave.
“...I could feel the pain I carried for the loneliness of my grief, which I had imprisoned deep within me. There it crouched, longing to be seen and touched by another. As we walk this path of grief, we need others to hold us, see us, and acknowledge the truth of our experience, even when they cannot fully understand what we are feeling. Grief is an intensely interior process that can only be navigated in the presence of community. As one of my mentors said, ‘This is the solitary journey we cannot do alone.’”
– Francis Weller
This isn’t about fixing your grief—it’s about tending to it, together. This is a fellow griever, reaching out for your hand, saying, I’m here. I’m with you.
My dear friend, with arms and heart wide open, I welcome you.
Show us your heart. Let us see your soul.
For the Sake of Strangers
No matter what the grief, its weight,
we are obliged to carry it.
We rise and gather momentum, the dull strength
that pushes us through crowds.
And then the young boy gives me directions
so avidly. A woman holds the glass door open,
waiting patiently for my empty body to pass through.
All day it continues, each kindness
reaching toward another—a stranger
singing to no one as I pass on the path, trees
offering their blossoms, a child
who lifts his almond eyes and smiles.
Somehow they always find me, seem even
to be waiting, determined to keep me
from myself, from the thing that calls to me
as it must have once called to them—
this temptation to step off the edge
and fall weightless, away from the world.
– Dorianne Laux
There’s nothing like hearing someone say, “Me, too.”
Imagine admitting you cried more when you lost your pet than your parent, and seeing people nod their heads in understanding.
Imagine sharing you don’t know how to function without your pet, and being met with only support + acceptance.
Imagine calling your pet your soulmate out loud, and finding others who feel exactly the same way.
This can be your new reality.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you have loved and lost an animal soulmate, if you have found a lack of support and understanding for your pet grief and want to connect with kindred spirits, those of us who truly get it, there’s a place here for you.
A Touch of Moxy’s community supports all pet parents and guardians across the full spectrum of grief—whether your loss is fresh, or imminent, or happened years ago; whether you’ve lost one beloved pet or many; whether you’re in a place of giving or receiving or both—you belong here.
Grief takes many forms, and all are valid. Offering presence, understanding, and compassion is extended to everyone in this community, regardless of your grief form. All experiences are welcomed and honored.
• A private, moderated online forum with guided questions, discussions, + prompts
• Compassionate, like-hearted community of fellow pet parents + animal lovers
• Shared interest and affinity groups within the network
• Regular live group sessions (e.g., MoxTalks + Tea), group check-ins + workshops (e.g., healing through writing practices)
• Exclusive access to interviews, recordings, and more
Trust me, I know that place—it took a long time before I could open up about my grief. Your comfort, and what feels right for you, is what’s most important. Maybe you just want to read other people’s stories or listen to a call without turning your camera on. Maybe you want to share your story, but don’t want to respond to questions yet. Maybe one month you’re able to engage, and the next month you need to retreat a little more inward. That’s okay! Our community accommodates a whole range of participation and allows you to go at your own pace, in your own way.
You may have seen some existing online groups and forums where folks can post about their pet loss (I’ve seen some on Reddit, Facebook, etc.), which is great—they’re definitely better than nothing. The main drawback is that since they’re public, they also get their fair share of unsavory behavior—people who post comments that criticize, mock, or attack the person who’s grieving, which can be really damaging. Even more than that, there’s not usually much heartfelt commiseration or true support happening. Here, we’re all in the same boat, and we all commit to kindness to sustain a wholly safe environment. Anyone who doesn’t uphold this commitment will not be allowed to stay.
Anyone who joins our community receives one full week to try it out for free and see how it feels. If you decide you’re not quite ready, simply cancel your membership within the seven-day period and you won’t be charged.
Monthly Plan, $28/month
(recurring payment, unsubscribe any time via your account page)
If you’d like to purchase a community membership as a gift for a loved one (so thoughtful!), please include their full name and details on the sign-up form.